Our associates have expertise in Environmental & Social issues in Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Financial Intermediaries. We are focusing on supporting the development of a high-quality Upstream that meets IFC’s Performance Standards and Equator Principles.

Developing trust with neighbouring communities

Our professionals and associates provide guidance in Environmental & Social Impact Assessment studies, Stakeholder Engagement Plans, Resettlement Action Plans, Livelihood Restoration Plans, and others studies, as the case maybe.

Our broad capabilities, combined with our great understanding of local cultures, regulatory practices and emerging global issues, trends and techniques, provide clients with a single source for social management needs.

Our Services

Resettlement action plan (RAP)

Community health, safety management plan

Social acceptability

Influx management plan

Livelihood restoration plan (LRP)

Permits and authorization certificates

Stakeholder engagement plan (SEP)

Local content plan

Cultural heritage management plan

Grievance management procedure

Community development plan